Diving Deep in the Ocean of Data

Our competitive intelligence service delivers in-depth insights by analysing an extensive range of publicly available secondary data.

Competitive Intelligence

It goes far beyond using search engines! We deploy approaches personalised to each brief that require a mix of analytical skills to sift through all the data available to find exactly what you need to make an informed response to your business challenges.

Our multi-disciplinary team of industry insiders has experience and expertise in a wide variety of therapeutic areas, which means they can collect, verify, and analyse available data at speed.


  • Fast turnaround: Quick and easy solution when compared to traditional fieldwork
  • Cost-effective: Desk research is less expensive, but equally effective in terms of results
  • Flexibility: Depending on the topic, and the breadth of the information available, a mix of desk research and fieldwork can be combined for greater depth

Uses and Applications

Case Study

How we helped a biopharma company interested in exploring collaborative partnerships with manufacturers of non-drug therapies powered by artificial intelligence (AI) find potential business partners.

Talk to an expert today

Our team are expert in unearthing exactly what you need to know, and specialise in healthcare and life sciences projects.